Ditch the classroom with digital onboarding and training

Save time and energy with Blue Colibri's e-learning solutions. Train and onboard your colleagues following the latest bite-sized learning trends and get immediate statistics on their performance.

One of the biggest problems Blue Colibri App helped us solve was storing and tracking our onboarding and e-learning materials, definitely filling some gaps at Trenkwalder. The platform has many features that we are currently testing and want to implement into our processes in the future.
- Trenkwalder


Here's why you should focus on onboarding and training:


Only 12% of employees agree strongly that their organization does a great job of onboarding, while 25% of new employees experience negative treatment in their first 5 working days, causing them to leave. 94% of employees would stay with a company longer if it invested in their training, and 70% would consider leaving their current job for one that invests in employee development.


Digital Education: Your Competitive Advantage

Say goodbye to boring, skipped-over trainings, scheduling difficulties and having to repeat the same thing over and over again to newcomers. The Blue Colibri e-learning features are user-friendly and customizable, allowing you to create engaging, bite-sized courses easily.

Customize the training experience

E-learning is a versatile tool that allows employees to complete various trainings and lessons from anywhere, at their own pace. With our services, you can make your trainings accessible and readily available to your entire organization or to selected groups, assess and certify your coworkers' knowledge—all in the same app. Create different types of lessons, insert videos, files, and tests, and keep track of each employee's progress within a course.

Lighten up your onboarding process

First impressions do matter, even in employment. According to fluctuation studies*, 48% of new employees decide to stay with the company within the first 45 days, and 21-24% leave during the probation period. Blue Colibri allows you to create an accessible, engaging digital onboarding process to help you make the best first impression and to keep your turnover rates down.  

*2020 turnover survey conducted by HR-Evolution Kft.

Since the introduction of the Blue Colibri App, communication has greatly improved between our desk and non-desk staff. The information summarized within the onboarding and e-learning features makes training more efficient for both new team members and trainers. Our company is using much less paper overall. We would say yes to Blue Colibri App again any time.
- PremiumXL


Assess your coworkers' knowledge on any topic via customizable tests.

Make safety and regulatory trainings digestible and readily available to your organization.

Integrate new hires faster and keep turnover rates low through interactive onboarding processes.

Create engaging e-learning courses with videos, visuals, articles and other uploadable materials.

Monitor your employee's performances via immediate statistics.

Case studies

Here's how to get your employees on board: download case studies and learn from the success of our partners.

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Your free demo awaits

Are you ready to take a closer look? Schedule a demo with our team and experience Blue Colibri App firsthand!